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Until 1991, malignant hyperthermia represented a major and important economic loss in modern pork production. It is a recessive autosomal disorder with variable expression that was not known to occur in the local pig breeds from Portugal, Alentejano and Bísaro, prior to outcrossing with commercial breeds. In swine, this disorder is due to a mutation in exon 17 of the ryanodine receptor 1 (RYR1) gene, detectable through the analysis of a restriction fragment length polymorphism. We used this technique to distinguish between resistant (NN), carrier (Nn) and susceptible (nn) genotypes, with the aim of excluding carriers from the breeding programme. We further developed a rapid screening technique on the basis of SSCP (single-strand conformation polymorphism). Fifteen heterozygous (Nn) individuals were found in our sample of 48 individuals from Bísaro breed using both techniques. The absence of homozygous susceptible pigs suggests that the introduction of this allele into Bísaro breed has been recent. A genetically controlled breeding programme on the basis of our findings should help to secure the future of Bísaro pigs of which few individuals are known to exist. To date, only one mutation was found in the 5' end of exon 17 of the porcine RYR1 gene. Here we present the frequencies of this mutation and describe a new mutation detected in the Alentejano breed. PCR-SSCP analysis followed by automatic sequencing allowed the detection of this rare transition (C → T) at nucleotide 1851 of exon 17.  相似文献   
Résumé— Une étude clinique et histologique a été conduite chez 27 chiens d'eau portugais présentant des dépilations cycliques, focales et non inflammatoires. Les observations histologiques ont été comparées aux biopsies réalisées sur 6 adultes normaux et 25 chiots normaux de la même race, sans histoire familiale de dépilations. La chute du poil chez les chiens alopéciques est dûe à une dysplacie folliculaire avec mélanisation anormale des unités pilo-sébacées. Les observations histopathologiques particulières consistent en une apoptose proéminente des kératinocytes des gaines épithéliales internes et externes, et une dissolution de la matrice pilaire des follicules anagènes. L'observation d'une tendance familiale avec apparition précoce suggère un mécanisme héréditaire pour cette dysplasie. [Miller, W.H., Jr., Scott, D.W. Follicular dysplasia of the Portuguese Water Dog (Displasie folliculaire du chien d'eau portugais). Resumen— Se llevó a cabo un estudio en 27 Perros de Agua Portugués con pérdida de pelo ciclica, no-inflamatoria y regionalizada. Los hallazgos histológicos se compararon con biopsias de 6 adultos normales y de 25 carchorros de la misma raza sin antecedentes familiares de pérdida de pelo. La pérdida de pelo en el grupo de animales alopécicos era debida a una displasia folicular con melanización anormal de los complejos pilosebáceos. Como hallazgos histológicos únicos cabe destacar la presencia de un notable número de queratinocitos apoptóticos en la vaina folicular interna y externa asi como la disolución de la matriz del pelo en los foliculos en anagen. Se detectó una tendencia familiar la aparición de esta displasia a temprana edad, lo que sugiere una base herediteria. [Miller, W.H., Jr., Scott, D.W. Follicular dysplasia of the Portuguese Water Dog (Displasia folicular en el Perro de Aguas Portugués). Abstract— A clinical and histologic study was conducted on 27 Portuguese water dogs with non-inflammatory, regionalized, cyclic hair loss. Histologic findings were compared with biopsies from six normal adult and 25 normal puppy Portuguese water dogs with no known relatives with hair loss. The hair loss in the alopecic dogs was due to a follicular dysplasia with abnormal melanization of the pilosebaceous units. Unique histopathologic findings included prominent apoptosis of keratinocytes in the inner and outer root sheath, and dissolution of the hair matrix of anagen hair follicles. A familial tendency with an early age at onset was noted, suggesting an inherited basis for the dysplasia.  相似文献   
从《农业图书情报学刊》现状分析,论述了期刊的发展,提高学术质量要有充足而优质的稿源做保证,编辑部要结合稿件录用随时与作者保持有效联系,及时了解行业动态,为广大读者、作者提供一个值得借鉴、参考、交流的平台。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]数字人文和地理信息系统技术的运用可直观展示明清女性作家群体地理分布特点,并为其地理分布的形成原因分析提供定量数据参考。[方法/过程]统计分析“明清妇女著作”数据库中松江府籍贯的女性作家的基本信息,包括朝代、出身背景、婚姻状态以及作品。基于地理信息系统技术对明清松江府女性作家进行地理分布可视化呈现,并从空间视域下采用相关性分析方法定量考察社会经济和基础文教对明清松江府女性作家地理分布的影响。[结果/结论]明清时期,松江府女性作家共计139位。其中,77.7%的女性作家分布在中心县区(如华亭县、娄县和上海县),分布在其他边缘县区的人数占比为22.3%。松江府各县女性作家人数与著姓望族和学校分布存在显著的相关性,而与田赋税收和棉布业市镇的分布不存在显著相关性。  相似文献   
依据文献计量学基本原理,以1998~2007年10年间《江西图书馆学刊》出版的43期杂志上所登载的1937篇论文和1386名作者为分析对象,反映了作者及论文的数量、分布、核心作者职称状况等,用数据说明其办刊的合理性。  相似文献   
Re‐ranking of strain additive genetic effect and heterosis expression in different culture environments is not well understood in shellfish species. This study was carried out to estimate the strain additive genetic and heterotic effects on harvest body weight in a 3 × 3 complete diallel cross involving three populations of Portuguese oyster (Crassostrea angulata), two populations from Cat Ba (RIA1) and Nam Dinh, northern Vietnam, and an imported stock from China. Strip spawning was applied to produce full‐ and half‐sib families simultaneously of nine cross‐combinations for performance testing at two locations (Cat Ba Island, Hai Phong city and Van Don Island, Quang Ninh province, Vietnam) using two culture systems (‘single seed’ and ‘cultch set’). A total of 7269 individual oysters were examined over a grow‐out period of 270 days. A linear mixed model was used to estimate strain additive genetic and heterotic effects for body weight at harvest. Ranking of strains based on their additive genetic effects did not differ between the locations and culture systems. The non‐additive genetic (heterotic) effects were low and not significantly different from zero for the traits studied among culture systems. There were no significant differences in levels of heterosis for harvest body weight between the two test environments or culture systems. Based on the non‐significant heterotic and large additive genetic effects among strains used for this study, a future breeding programme in this species (C. angulata), setting aside issues of diversity, could be based simply on choice among different strains based on their performance.  相似文献   
本文介绍并回顾了我国对葡萄牙文学的译介。以中国社会科学院外国文学研究所为代表的科研机构及出版社为推动我国葡萄牙文学的译介作出重要贡献。随着葡萄牙作家若泽?萨拉马戈问鼎1998年度的诺贝尔文学奖,世界的目光更加关注这个疆域并不辽阔,但文化底蕴丰厚,人才辈出的欧洲国度。在文化全球共享的大潮中,改革开放的中国将迎来更多更好的葡语译作。  相似文献   
Summary Twenty three accessions of nine Portuguese cabbage and kale land races from different geographic origins were tested at the seedling stage for resistance to several important brassica diseases. Resistance to downy mildew (Peronospora parasitica), expressed as necrosis of the cotyledon mesophyll, was found in all the accessions. Type A resistance to cabbage yellows (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans race 1) was present in most of the landraces. Resistance to clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae race 6) was found in one accession of the Portuguese tree kale. High resistance to blackleg (Leptosphaeria maculans) and white rust (Albuco candida) was not detected, although several accessions showed 20 to 30% of plants with intermediate expression of resistance. All Portuguese cole accessions were susceptible to blackrot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris).  相似文献   
《水产科学》(1994~2003)作者群的分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据文献计量学的基本原理,对1994至2003年这十年间《水产科学》发表的59期(缺1999年的第3期)杂志中所载941篇论文及670名作者进行了统计、归纳、分析与研究。揭示了《水产科学》作者与发文量之间的关系以及作者群的地区、系统分布的状况与特点;确定了该刊核心作者的数量与比例。希望本论文能够为科研工作者提供一点具有参考价值的信息。  相似文献   
探索湖南女性文学与湖南旅游资源的拓展和延伸,力求创造出集湖南女性文学景观、湖湘人文景观和湘楚自然景观为一体的湖南女性文学之旅,努力挖掘湖南旅游资源,使湖南女性文学之旅成为湖南旅游业的一大品牌。本文力求使文学和旅游之间形成互动,使湖南女性文学与湖南旅游相互渗透,在湖南女性文学之旅中,用更为生动形象的方式来解读湖南女作家作品,促进湖南女性文学的深入发展。  相似文献   
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